Sunday, September 9, 2007


Good day in reception...and my last, whoo hoo! It still makes me remember why I'm not doing this anymore, and why I went back to school. I'm excited for classes to start, now that it's getting so close.

Did a lot of food orders today, which isn't really that interesting, but I spent a lot of time in the barn with all the food and got to look over a lot more of what we have and how we order it. Interesting.

A sad story happened for today, though. CVHS brought in five dogs to be euthanized, one cat.....and one very tiny little 5-6 week old kitten. Now, just that number alone makes this a sad story, as that is a lot of unwanted animals (it makes me want to slap people who just want to breed their dog to make 'cute puppies'. Cute puppies my behind, go to a shelter, people!) who have apparently turned feral (the cat had to be sedated before it was put in the carrier) and now cannot find homes, or have been turned away from their own. The saddest part of this, though, is the little baby kitten. Kittens and puppies are always sad to be euthanized, but this one was just so young, and was still adoptable...but they had no room and no one could foster it. Over the past few years, and especially this summer, I've grown to understand much more about humane euthanasia and why it is practiced....but this was such a waste. I made the mistake of going down to the basement to get some medicine, and while I was down there, I stopped and looked at the kitten. It had to be in the basement where the spare cages were because we didn't know if it was carrying anything, but it just sat there and looked at me, obviously afraid of it's surroundings but not the typical 'fearful cat'. It just sat there, looking at me with it's big, blue eyes, waiting for me to do something. I didn't open the cage and pet it, and I'm not sure if I should have looking back on it, but just the memory of that tiny, scared face will haunt me for a long time. I just want to take a picture of that kitten's face, half hidden in blankets, and paste it on walls, cars, the sides of buses and buildings, and shake people, tell them to spay and neuter their pets. Sigh. So many lost little kittens.

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