Sunday, September 9, 2007


Back in back! (I really wanted to type 'black' there, but actually I'm in blue) Ahh, so good to be back in surgery! I felt a little rusty at first, especially because the head surgery tech came back from vacation today as well, so we were at full strength for the first time in weeks....and I wasn't running around like an idiot because they were already ahead of me, drawing up drugs, organizing things....ahh, to be fully staffed is a thing of beauty.

Not much out of the ordinary, but a very full and busy day. Had a few spays, a mass removal, and a declaw. I'm not a big fan of the declaw, and I'd encourage people to do something different if they're having issues with their cats clawing on things. I know the softpaws caps work fairly well, although their high maintenance and expensive. I personally like to make loud noises when my cats claw the furniture, but looking at the box spring in my bedroom, I'm apparently not catching them all the time. Oh well, I expect it, having cats, and I really hope that other people take that into consideration when they get one, but sometimes they don't.

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