Sunday, September 9, 2007


Last day of my 'week' here, and I'm pooped. Nothing outstanding going on, but man oh man, just a huge influx of patients. I've been drawing blood/putting catheters into everything I can stick a needle into (as one of the other techs so eloquently put it, I'm 'poking everything in site for the last two weeks'), and it's good. I feel tons better about blood draws than when I first came here, and it's sort of nice to look back even a month ago and think, wow, I'm much better at that now than I was then. Externships are wonderful for that, and I think all majors in college should have them. Maybe I would have gotten here and hated it from the moment I stepped in the door, or found out that blood makes me faint? Better to know those things now than later, when you're already half way through a degree you might not use. Very good times.

My icky story for today: Put a shepard mix up on the surgery table, prepping for a spay, and of course, the muscle relaxers in the BAG injection (which I do believe is butorphanol, acepromazine and a third one that starts with a 'g' that's an antiemetic or some sort) take effect and out comes a little chunk of poo. So, of course, being the tech that's prepping this dog, I get the fun job of taking a rubber glove and going in and getting all I can get out. Now, I've got a strong stomach, not a lot effects me, but for some reason fetching poop out of a dog's butt just makes me gag a little. I've done it before, and I can deal, but this dog was on the raw food diet, and I swear a rock eater. I've never seen poo that went 'clunk' when it landed on a metal table before.

After this spay, we started our lunch rotations. Ahh, I love my job.

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