Sunday, September 9, 2007


More surgery! I'm so happy to be in back again.

Had 2 CVHS dogs come in for spay/neuters. I did the usual clip and prep (I think I gave the boy a bit of razor burn, eep! I tried hard not to, but I am no whiz with the clippers) and recovered. The ECG machine and I still do not get along, but we understand each other a little better now. I'd call it an uneasy truce, but a truce nontheless. One of these days I'll get it to stop doubling the heart rate of my patients and scaring the begeezus out of me.

My big thing for today was getting a catheter into a wiggly, old, and cranky Boston Terrier by the wonderful name of 'Mr.Briggs'. I love those types of names for little dogs, and it suits this one perfectly. He's normally a very nice dog, but hates having his feet touched....and of course, he was getting a lump removed on his elbow. Putting a catheter into his dry, shriveled old veins gave me a great sense of accomplishment. I still suck at intubation, but I'm spot on with catheters (for the most part, heh). I also managed not to cut his arm off when I was shaving around his lumpectomy site. I'll make a groomer yet! Or not, heh.

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